So, conservatives are seeking to over turn Obamacare on the basis that the government can not force you to purchase a product. I agree with this stance. If Obama can force me to purchase health insurance, control what that insurance looks like and even who sells that insurance, there is nothing to stop him from forcing me to purchase tickets to the Raleigh Philharmonic Orchestra. Or a car from GM. Or organic carrots from Democrat farmers.
But, as conservatives, we have to answer to our stance on Social Security.
Our answer to the current mess that is Social Security is to continue to collect 6.5% from the employer and the employee. BUT we want some % of that 13% to go to personal private investment accounts. These accounts would belong to the tax payer and he could even manage those accounts.
In short, we would be enabling the government to force us to buy a product; an investment account.
It seems there is no discernible difference.