If the United States Debt Were a Swimming Pool

If you aren’t reading Carpe Diem, you should.  Go, right now, check out Mark Perry’s site.

This whole thing started way back when.  I was an avid reader of Rob Neyer over at ESPN.  I was very much into baseball and stats and just the game.  I loved me some Neyer.  Since then, however, ESPN has made his stuff paid content and I no longer go to ESPN.  But whatever, ‘nother story.  One day, a long time ago, Rob mentioned a writer in Minnesota, Twins Geek.  And Twins Geek wrote a blog.   And I didn’t know what a blog was.  But it had the words, Twins, Geek and Neyer, so I checked it out.

And it turns out Twins Geek is a dude from Minnesota who works in an office doing office type work who just loves to write.

And I love that.

So, now I know what a blog is and I start looking for one.  And I trip upon Coyote Blog.  And NOW it’s on.  This is just too cool.  And, after reading Coyote for awhile, I notice he refers us to Carpe Diem on a regular basis.  And Mark Perry is from Minnesota.  And he writes about interesting stuff in a way that just makes sense.

So I read him everyday.

In fact, he is a large inspiration for the stuff I write here.  Only, like, he’s better and smarter, but hey, I have longer hair!

Anyway, via Mark Perry at Carpe Diem comes this:

We have what you call a spending problem.

By the way, if you like baseball and can stand the Twins, check out this most amazing site dedicated to Sabermetrics with a Twin’s twist.  This guy is the hero.  Dropped out of school at the UofM, living in his mom’s townhouse blogging about baseball at 3,000 words a clip.  Gets picked up by NBC sports and is livin’ large.

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