Tag Archives: Tax

More On “Soak the Rich”

So, last night I presented data that demonstrated you would have to lift every single dime in income from those making $200,000 or more to cover the deficit.  Not pay the bill for the year, just pay the deficit.

What if we just go after those making $500,000 or more a year?  The really rich?

Start with a $1.5 trillion deficit.  Back out the taxes paid by those making over $500k.  You now have $1.85 trillion to cover.

How much do the folks who bring in $500,000 or more make as a group?  They make $1,270,000,000.  That’s it.

If you call being rich as making more than $500,000 a year rich, then you have to take all of it.  Everything they make.  ALL.  And you still are short $600,000,000,000.

You can not tax your way out of this.