Why Progressives Can’t Get Anything Done

No one else is liberal:

No serious thinker is liberal.  Strike that.

Plenty of thinkers are liberal.

No serious do’er is liberal.

6 responses to “Why Progressives Can’t Get Anything Done

  1. I read somewhere recently (that I cant think of this early in the morning) a statistician from one of the major polling organizations telling what a difference in response they got if they used the term “progressive” instead of liberal to ask the same question. It came out much closer. Weird

    • if they used the term “progressive” instead of liberal to ask the same question. It came out much closer. Weird

      I don’t think that’s so weird. People recognize damage and route around it.

      There is no doubting the intentions of the liberal. They legitimately wanna help people. How they do that, however, is not legitimate. So we reject socialism. And as people come to understand liberalism, they begin to reject it as well. As the liberal shy’s away from what he is, he calls himself progressive. And so goes the game of cat and mouse.

      “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.”

      – Norman Thomas, American socialist

  2. I know a lot of people very active in community organizations, politics, and service who prove you wrong there! In fact, I thought the criticism of liberalism is they’ve gotten too much done in American politics!

    • I know a lot of people very active in community organizations, politics, and service who prove you wrong there!

      There are a few liberals who actually practice what they preach, but they are not the majority. All you have to do is know that conservatives out “charity” the liberals to know this is true. And even when the liberal DOES contribute to charity, the money and times goes to thinks like the fine art and institutions of higher education. Hardly programs designed to pull the poor out of their misery.

      I thought the criticism of liberalism is they’ve gotten too much done in American politics!

      Many many people claim that Obama isn’t a liberal President. And they point to his record to prove it. I have always maintained that he is that “-ist” in his heart; he’s just supremely shitty at implementing his visions.

  3. I’d second the comments above. It’s a combination of a number of factors.

    LIberalism is a victim of its own success. Many liberal ideas/values are now fully integrated into government policy such that most americans take them for granted and don’t think of them as liberal per se.

    The term was also so demonized by conservatives that there’s been a shift toward progressivism.

    Also, charity isn’t the only fair measure of liberal/progressive activity, by far. How about people who devote their careers to assisting the poor or the infirm? They may not make enough money to give much to charity but their profession itself provides a much needed service. I just don’t think it’s a fair metric

    • The term was also so demonized by conservatives that there’s been a shift toward progressivism.

      To be fair, the whole basis of this grand experiment was to get away from a large state. It was meant to be the liberty of the individual. It would be very hard indeed for anyone to claim that individual liberty is being served by 99 month unemployment benefits.

      They may not make enough money to give much to charity

      The poor give the most.

      A fun partisan comparison is the 2008 VP candidates; Biden and Palin. It wasn’t even close. The Palins far exceeded the Bidens though they didn’t even come close to the annual salary.

      The fact is this. The liberal feels charitable by voting for government programs that support their cause.

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