1. Motives
We saw conflict this weekend in Charlottesville. We saw a group of American citizens, people living in 2017, marching for white pride, under a Nazi flag, espousing repugnant and wicked world views. Views totally incompatible with mainstream American values. Views inconsistent with the views held during the founding of this nation.
We’ve rejected this side of ourselves since we were we.
Nazis, neo-Nazis, white nationalists and white supremacists are among the worst examples of us.
We, I, despise the departure of Individual Liberty these people preach.
No one I know agrees with the motives of those hate groups.
2. Tribes
Consider rivalries.
Consider the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns.
Say the Browns announced that they were gonna assemble on Saturday and have a Brown’s parade. And then the Steelers decided that they were gonna show up, and then engage those Browns fans.
Violence ensues.
Who is to blame?
3. Free Speech
We have a rich history of protected speech in America. We rightly should rejoice in this. However, not all speech is protected. Some speech incites violence and should be denied.
We need to admit that.
If the Nazi’s request to assemble is inciting violence, deny it and arrest them if they gather. Or
Or have the balls to admit that they DO have the right to assemble and protect their rights to do so.
One. Or. The other.
4. Right to Assemble
Motives aside, if one group has been given the right to assemble, and another group, motives aside, seeks to deny or infringe on that right, the moral argument is mute.
Speech has been determined to be protected.