I often use the imagery of a full produce selection at my local grocery store to make the point that freer markets are better than less free markets. Further, I like too make the point that while there are those Americans considered poor, they have options available to them that the most powerful kings in the world didn’t just 100 years ago – maybe 50.
It’s January here in North America – and yet you can go into nearly every supermarket and put fresh blueberries, raspberries, bananas and tomatoes into your cart. It’s to the point of trivial. For example, we just returned from Baltimore where my daughter competed in a dance conference. As part of the routine, we make “adult punch” for the parents to enjoy after a long and stressful weekend. Without even blinking an eye I add fresh oranges, mangos, blueberries and apples.
We have such abundance of fruit that in the middle of winter I can use it for such discretionary purposes as flavoring sangria.
Amazing what opening markets can do:
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