How [or why] A Statist Thinks

It’s been a theme lately.  But it needs to be said explicitly.

If you don’t trust the private sector or the people that make it up, why would you trust the people in government?

See the whole thing here at Coyote Blog.

But for now, the money line:

I tell folks all the time – I don’t trust private actors any more than the people in government.  What I trust more are their incentives and the tools I have for enforcing accountability on them.



2 responses to “How [or why] A Statist Thinks

  1. Who do you trust more (in general): prosecutors or criminal defense lawyers? I suspect a lot of people on the right would say they trust prosecutors more than defense lawyers, yet prosecutors are civil servants and defense lawyers are in private practice.

    • yet prosecutors are civil servants and defense lawyers are in private practice.

      Someone stole my wallet in college and rented some movies at the local grocery. When they weren’t returned I was summoned for theft of services.

      I was appointed a public defender*.

      I suspect a lot of people on the right would say they trust prosecutors more than defense lawyers

      I think that most people don’t trust lawyers at all.

      * He was inept. He didn’t return my calls, I never met him. I answered the summons and presented my case to the grocery before trial. Not once did I ever communicated with the gentle barrister, but my case was thrown out. Sadly, I had to pay the deductible on the new TV from Sears and the 20 gallons of gas complete with smokes and a six pack from the local gas station.

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