Which really, isn’t that bad. Then again, I’m out on a limb with Virginia and Colorado while Obama is pretty much a lock in every state going blue in the map above. The default leanings when you pull up the map have Michigan and Wisconsin as toss-ups; I don’t think there’s a chance they break for Romney – though you would think his dad could help in Michigan. I think Obama will carry the big Ohio and Pennsylvania states with Florida going for Mitt. Like I said, Virginia might be wishful thinking. However, only PPP has Obama ahead by more than 4.
The good news? If my “out-on-a-limb” picks hold Romney would only need to steal a single state like Michigan, Ohio or Pennsylvania. Or maybe the republican governors in Wisconsin and Iowa can deliver their states for Romney. With Ryan on the ticket, he may actually pull Wisconsin over. If he does and the rest holds, that gives Obama a 271 to 267 win.
Pretty close.
Interesting. At this point my map has the following states you give to Romney going for Obama: Virginia, Florida, and Colorado. That’s 51 more giving Obama 332 (that’s been my map for a couple months now). That said, it’s in the realm of possibility that Romney could win those states and add Ohio or Pennsylvania to win the election. It’s also possible that a strong GOTV effort and a slight shift to Obama during the campaign could give Obama North Carolina. It’s still early, but Obama’s paths to victory are more numerous than Romney’s — but anything can happen!
At this point my map has the following states you give to Romney going for Obama: Virginia, Florida, and Colorado.
Mine is a pretty aggressive Romney map. If NC or Florida goes Obama it’s a goner. Virginia too. Then again, if the republican governors deliver WI, MI or Iowa, things turn again. Same for Ohio.
Hey, how did you get this pasted onto your blog? I can’t seem to save the image of my prediction, and when I try to publish directly it simply publishes a link. Any tips? Thanks!
Hey, how did you get this pasted onto your blog? I can’t seem to save the image of my prediction, and when I try to publish directly it simply publishes a link. Any tips? Thanks!
Virtually all the images I post here are done with Microsoft Paint. I “Ctrl-Alt-PrtSc” and then paste to Paint, crop and save.