The constant screech from the left is that the conservative doesn’t care about the woman. The day doesn’t go by that you don’t hear the familiar refrain:
Republicans don’t care about women’s reproductive health.
It’s a veritable war on women.
But is it? Or is it really just the left’s unholy preoccupation with abortion that’s at the root of all of this?
The latest from Washington via Texas:
The federal government will stop funding a Texas health program that serves 130,000 low-income women because of a state law that bars abortion-affiliated clinics from getting public money, a top U.S. health official said Friday.
The federal money, which covers 90 percent of the state’s $40 million program, will be phased out between May and September because the law violates federal regulations requiring that women have a choice in medical care, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said during a trip to Houston. That means the Women’s Health Program will join a long list of programs nationwide on the chopping block because of their affiliations with Planned Parenthood or other groups that offer abortions.
Kathleen Sebelius is prepared to block $36 million in aid to women’s clinics in Texas based solely on the fact that Texas doesn’t support government funded abortions. Kathleen is willing to allow Texas women to suffer because of her view on abortion. Forget the fact that the money could be used to provide critical services to women that might not otherwise have access to them. Forget that the REAL goal of this service is to keep women healthy.
Sadly, Kathleen is playing political hack. And letting partisan dogma get in the way of serving millions of women in Texas.
Planned Parenthood is not primarily about abortion, it’s about women’s health — and most of it’s work is not abortion related. If right wing zealots cut off Planned Parenthood, their states should have to pay a price. The goal is not to hurt women, but to show states that if they want federal help, they can’t target Planned Parenthood. The net effect will be good for women. Cutting planned parenthood is not anti-abortion, it’s an attack on women.
Planned Parenthood is not primarily about abortion, it’s about women’s health — and most of it’s work is not abortion related.
I agree. But don’t buy that 3% statistic, they’re playin’ pretty loose with the numbers.
If right wing zealots cut off Planned Parenthood, their states should have to pay a price.
It’s hardly a “zealot” position to stand against abortion.
The goal is not to hurt women, but to show states that if they want federal help, they can’t target Planned Parenthood. The net effect will be good for women.
So the feds are willing to allow untold clinics to close hurting women, because the feds won’t budge on abortion? Sebilius is using women as a pawn in her pro-abortion campaign.
Separate abortion from Planned Parenthood at the CEO level. No common money. Then fund the women’s health services all you want. But no reasonable person is that ignorant to think that money isn’t fungibal and that the funds used to pay the rent, electricity and staff of the women’s health services are doing the same for the abortion services.
What Kathleen is doing is unconscionable.
I meant cutting planned parenthood is not anti-abortion, it’s an attack on women.
So tell me, is planned parenthood the only outlet for women’s health ? Can’t other entities that have no ties to abortion do the exact same thing ? I’m sure red states would be more than happy to fully fund alternatives to planned parenthood. In fact, here is a plan let planned parenthood split into two separate corporations. One for abortion and one for women’s health . Allow no connection between the two and problem solved .
Planned parenthood is a very important organization with a large infrastructure. Nobody is there to take their place, especially not if you force some religious perspective on them (no money unless you follow this religiously motivated mandate). That would be un-American! Abortions are not a major part of what they do, but it is something that can’t be separated from other aspects of women’s health.
Abortions are not a major part of what they do, but it is something that can’t be separated from other aspects of women’s health.
Scott, I’m sorry man. Kathleen announced that she is willing to sacrifice the health of women in order to advance her political agenda regarding abortion.
If she wanted mammograms, pap smears, cancer screening and other services, she could have it. But she sacrificed that in order to score political points.
It has become clear who does and doesn’t care about women’s health.
Well, Alan, at least if it were in the private sector, we wouldn’t be paying for it. Then again, I suppose I oppose so many govt.-run organisations, that I’ve become a bit of a cynic.
Well, Alan, at least if it were in the private sector, we wouldn’t be paying for it.
I managed a club in Seattle years ago. We partnered with an organization and had BOWLS of condoms available for the taking.
Free as the wind.
Then again, I suppose I oppose so many govt.-run organisations, that I’ve become a bit of a cynic.
Bless your soul.
This whole exercise shows exactly what is wrong with federal control of anything . This is what they will do when Obama-Care totally takes over health care. They will control the funding. Then when you dare revolt they have you by the throat. Do as we command or we will de fund your health care. To change the opening monologue from old show the Outer Limits:
There is nothing wrong with your life . Do not attempt to adjust it. We are controlling you. If we wish to make it seem better, we will tell you it’s better. If we wish to make it seem easier, we will tell you it is easier . We will control you horizontally. We will control you vertically. We can roll you, make you shutter. For the rest of your life, be quiet and we will control all that you can become.
They will control the funding. Then when you dare revolt they have you by the throat. Do as we command or we will de fund your health care.
This is true of highways and education. Tax the snot out of you, give it back for a price.
No, they see abortion rights as linked with women’s health, they don’t see that as a separate issue. I happen to agree with Planned Parenthood on this and contribute to their organization. I think being anti-abortion is fine. I find it becomes something to fight back against when people want to use the state to try to stop organizations from providing abortion. Tying state money to that issue is simply wrong and can’t be accepted. Make Texas pay more for needed services if they’re going to do that. Stick it to Texas, I say – I bet the women still get treated, and the Texas taxpayers will get the bill. Or perhaps Texas will back down. So we just disagree on this.
My home state of South Dakota held out against raising the drinking age to 21. The feds used highway funding to force us to back down. So you’re right, the government does use that power. The President who led this anti-freedom use of federal power was Ronald Reagan, it’s a bipartisan willingness to use that power. But in that case freedom had been limited; in Texas freedom is under threat by those who want to control women. To me that’s just wrong.
No, they see abortion rights as linked with women’s health, they don’t see that as a separate issue.
Such blind partisan politics is costing women in Texas access to basic health care services.
If women in Texas were offered a choice between basic services but no abortion or no services what-so-ever….they’d pick basic services every time.
The idea that Kathleen would play politics with women’s basic health is unconscionable.
I happen to agree with Planned Parenthood on this and contribute to their organization.
That’s fine. Split the organization, call it Un-Planned Parenthood and donate away!
in Texas freedom is under threat by those who want to control women.
No one wants to control women, Scott, women are still free to do what they want, when they with whom they want and how often they want. It’s still legal to have an abortion. They just don’t wanna have to pay for that.
Seems reasonable. Unlike the political gambit Kathleen is playing; that is a SICK minded sister!
I think the women will still get health care, it’s just that the Texas taxpayer will have to pick up the tab. Planned parenthood had to do this on principle – and to send a message that if the anti-abortion forces try to divide women’s health care in this way, they’ll fight it. Again, it’s a matter of principle.
Planned parenthood had to do this on principle – and to send a message that if the anti-abortion forces try to divide women’s health care in this way, they’ll fight it. Again, it’s a matter of principle.
The principle is clear; Democrats love abortion more than they love women.
I get that; no one disputes that. I just think it’s important to say it.
Other people have other principles. Like, abortion is taking the life of a child.
This is just your windmill.
No, even people who personally oppose abortion believe they have to protect these freedoms. It’s that people love freedom.
You’re doing the same thing that the left does when it says “Republicans love guns more than children.” The US has the highest accidental gun death rate in the western industrialized world due to how many guns are out there. If we had strict gun control tens of thousands of lives, many of them children, would be saved. Why don’t we do it? Because Republicans love guns more than children. Or maybe a higher principle, freedom, motivates. Each of us may disagree on the role of freedom in each case, but it’s wrong to say Democrats “love abortion” (most think it should be legal and rare) more than women or Republicans “love guns” more than children.
I point out that someday, I hope soon, we will control the levers of Federal power and we will be sorely tempted to stick it to you guys in states like New York and California that do all kinds of things we hate . All of these Federal power grabs can work against you guys too. What goes around, comes around.
And trust me your Liberal brethren in those two states and a few others will be coming, tin cup in hand, to Uncle Mitt to bail them out of their state pension woes . And both of those states are too stupid to follow the North Dakota model to prosperity .
The GOP had power from 2000 to 2006 — both Houses and the Presidency. The North Dakota route — you mean, the Saudi Arabia route? Find oil? I don’t think intelligence of leadership creates oil sands or reserves on one’s territory.
And as I noted, Reagan “stuck it to” South Dakota – a very Republican state – over the driving age. Neither party can “stick it to” other states. Not only do they want to compete electorally at the Presidential level, but they’re concerned about the Senate, House and local races. You don’t want to generate anger or look like you’re acting on a grudge (“you didn’t vote for me so we’ll stick it to you.”) But the GOP is trying to do so in many states in going after Labor unions and collective bargaining rights. Will it be good for them, or will it come back to bite them? We’ll get a preview of that fight in Wisconsin!
Um, Alan, did you just call me hellbells? Someone has AC/DC on the brain….guess cause we’re all getting screwed?
And as for you, mon petit, Pino, what the hello kinda club gives away condoms? I can see it now……
Sandy: Well, shall we hit the links, Biff?
Biff: Not just yet, Sandy. I’ve got to grab some protection!
Sandy: Good thinking! Who knows where your balls will fly.
And as for you, mon petit, Pino, what the hello kinda club gives away condoms? I can see it now……
Live Jazz and Blues. Joint called “New Orleans”. jazz during the week, blues on the weekend!
Great times….
A thousand pardons, I skimmed over the letters .
Obama and his Kommissars are screwing over Texas because they will never win Texas in the electoral college. Just as Republicans can afford to really stick it to New York and Caleefornia. You may as well get the people angry and they might just blame the party running the state and throw you a Congressman or two .
Oh and by the way that control the GOP supposedly had from 2000 to 2006 , look at the majorities. It really was a virtual tie. Your guys had a lot more power for mischief than my guys did in Obama’s first 2 years. They did all they could to block real energy in favor of worthless green energy. They also protected their cronies at the GSEs which directly lead to the real estate bubble and collapse. Messiers Frank and Dodd have never been held to account for all of the harm they inflicted .
I think Scott makes a good counterargument with the “guns more than children” comment, and that this argument is really yet another one that comes down to ones’ definition of freedom.
Unfortunately, however, most keep the argument reduced to generalities and hyperbole. To me, this election is quickly becoming a battle entirely of rhetoric rather than ideas and solutions, and that concerns me when this is a time more than ever that the country needs a practical and pragmatic dialogue. “War on Women”? Really?
p.s. I back whatever position Megyn Kelly takes on any woman’s rights issue, abortion, contraception, or otherwise. 🙂
I think Scott makes a good counterargument with the “guns more than children” comment
Yeah. But we talked about that too. And again, I screeched my point by saying that democrats hate guns more than they love kids. And the proof is that while they’re trying to control guns, they aren’t trying to control swimming pools. More kids die to drowning than die due to accidental firearms.
Unfortunately, however, most keep the argument reduced to generalities and hyperbole. To me, this election is quickly becoming a battle entirely of rhetoric rather than ideas and solutions, and that concerns me when this is a time more than ever that the country needs a practical and pragmatic dialogue. “War on Women”? Really?
Oh, for sure!
It’s why I’m screeching.
When the left engages in this gross practice it’s noble and the fight a good one. But when conservatives engage in it it’s just nonsense.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. If the left does it, that doesn’t mean it’s right when the right does it. Of course, both sides do it, and I’m convinced both sides truly believe the other side is worse. That’s the way we humans perceive things — we don’t notice what we (or our side) does that is wrong, we notice what the opponents do. So each side screams about how the other side is nastier, more dishonest and more hyperbolic than their own side. And people on each side believe it is obvious that they are right.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Certainly not, but it’s the only thing that gets the liberal’s attention.
It could also be primarily a legal issue:
Pino ,
” they aren’t trying to control swimming pools. More kids die to drowning than die due to accidental firearms ”
Careful what you say there . Even though it has nothing to do with kids, the control our overlords just enacted over swimming pools could very well make pools much scarcer than guns. I heard that under the latest handicapped or whatever they call it nowadays laws , pools will have to install expensive wheel chair lifts. I can think of many a hotel pool that it will be cheaper to pour a truck load of cement in than to keep as a swimming pool .
I heard that under the latest handicapped or whatever they call it nowadays laws , pools will have to install expensive wheel chair lifts.
I saw that as well. And yes, some pools are going to close as a result.