OWS: Occupy Raleigh : Disabled Woman Arrested

The big news here in Raleigh in the last few days was the arrest of 8 protesters down at the State Capital grounds.  Apparently they were on the sidewalk in front of the Capital and the Capital Police asked them to leave.  I’m assuming, dangerous I know, that they were occupying the sidewalk and not just using it to go from the actual occupation to the Apple store where they could get more iPads, iPods, iPhones, batteries and a MiFi hot spot so that they could use Facebook and Twitter and WordPress to keep people abreast of their actions.

Anyway, I digress.

The big news wasn’t the arrest of the 8 people.  Everyone expects these guys to get arrested in some number now and then.  In fact, I suspect for some of ’em, it’s a badge of honor to be arrested for protesting and somehow adds to that individual prestige within the movement.  Again, whatever.  The big news was the complain by the Occupy Raleigh folks that the police somehow crossed a line by asking a woman, who is disabled, to disperse as well.  As if!

The whole idea, near as I can tell, of this whole movement is that we should all be treated fairly.  We should all be expected to contribute and we should all be expected to obtain compensation.  There is no special exceptions for anyone.  So it seems strange to me, but not unexpected given the Leftists tendencies and strategies of this movement, that they would call “foul” that one of the 99% be expected to abide by the laws just as the rest of us.

But no, what we get is shock and disbelief.  As if the cop was just such a monster.

And we get it from the paper too:

The arrests of eight people Thursday at an Occupy Raleigh protest did not sit well with Mayor Charles Meeker.

Meeker said it was his understanding that Raleigh police would get involved only “if there were an assault on a Capitol Police Officer or other similar disturbance.”

But a different scenario played out. City officers aided Capitol Police in arresting eight people, including a disabled woman sitting on a chair, after the demonstrators refused to leave a sidewalk in front of the Capitol.

Now we are hearing, from the newspaper mind you, that she was sitting on a chair, not the sidewalk.  More and more spin and perception changing.

But what does the woman herself have to say?

I respect this.  I disagree with her on many levels, but I respect it.

She admitted she purposely acted in such a manner that would result in her arrest.

The police were polite and offered her an “out”.

She wants no special treatment as a result of her disability.

Of course this’ll be ignored by the Occupiers.  They’ll ignore that an individual has the right to rights.  And this brings with it the right to be arrested for unlawful conduct.

This just goes to prove my point.  These people do NOT want a level playing field.  They want a tilted playing field just as surely as anyone else might want the field tilted.  No, trust me, these occupiers just want the tilt to be in their favor.

17 responses to “OWS: Occupy Raleigh : Disabled Woman Arrested

  1. Good for her. I agree too .

    Once, in a crowded ladies room, I was exiting the handicapped stall and was confronted by a woman in a wheelchair who was angry and said those stalls are supposed to be ‘reserved’ for the handicapped. I politely disagreed. I told her those stall are requilred to be ‘accessible’ but were not reserved.

  2. Ryan Patrick Grace

    Sometimes it’s so easy to tell the right side from the wrong side of history even as it’s being made-how fortunate for us that we are daily aware of what right, and wrong, some fools do. .

    • Sometimes it’s so easy to tell the right side from the wrong side of history even as it’s being made-how fortunate for us that we are daily aware of what right, and wrong, some fools do. .

      Makes it easy to teach my kids what is right and what isn’t.

  3. Miss Me? LOL Yes your assumptions have once again made me rear my ugly head! Where to start, where to start…
    One: I have never seen an iPad there; not sure what this has to do with anything. We aren’t against capitalism.
    TWO: And this one is VERY IMPORTANT! We were not asked to leave. Here are the orders:


    THREE: Yes she was asked to give up her chair and move to a bench in the park. What harm is that you may ask? Well we aren’t allowed to hold signs in the park. Which takes away her First Amendment rights.
    FOUR: REALLY??? “These People” “Leftists”
    I had actually told someone I had enjoyed our ‘tete-a-tete’ and now you go and let me down. Name calling? But even what shocks me more is your ability to believe half truths that the media puts out.
    And just a little FYI it is Capitol not Capital 😉

    • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4kAun07iSY Just in case you want to see what really happened that day. Just saying…

    • Miss Me? LOL

      I do! I get my fill on the conservative side of things just by what I read and what I listen too. I embrace a contrarian opinion; it challenges me.

      your assumptions have once again made me rear my ugly head!

      I knew I shouldn’t have assumed.

      We aren’t against capitalism.

      Dee, with respect, that’s the message those of us not occupying hear. It may not be the message you are trying to portray, but it’s what is heard. If that isn’t what you want to be seen as protesting, you may wanna rethink your your communication style.

      We were not asked to leave. Here are the orders:

      I am proved wrong again! I stand corrected.

      we aren’t allowed to hold signs in the park. Which takes away her First Amendment rights.

      You can’t protest in the park without a permit. At least right now, the law isn’t on your side regarding that.

      These People” “Leftists

      In this case, the term “Leftist” describes a certain tactic of debate employed by a group of people. It is my opinion that the conservatives often are seen as “mean” and “uncaring”. In the same way that parents are seen as mean and uncaring when they set rules for the house. For example, when I say that I don’t support minimum wage laws, I’m often accused of hating the poor.

      In the same way, many reports of Ms Schucker’s arrest were based on that same argument. “The police arrested a DISABLED woman!”. As if, independent of that fact that she did, or didn’t–I don’t know, break the law, the overarching fact is that the police hate disabled people.

      The Left is expert at this tactic.

      I had actually told someone I had enjoyed our ‘tete-a-tete’ and now you go and let me down.

      It is my sincere hope that we continue our debates. Perhaps I’ll come visit all ya’ll at Occupy one afternoon.

      But even what shocks me more is your ability to believe half truths that the media puts out.

      I know. I fall for it every time!

      And just a little FYI it is Capitol not Capital

      DAMN it! You are right again. I hope this doesn’t turn into a pattern 😉

  4. Just happened upon your blog due to this post. I only ask of you and your conservative friends to do one thing, please watch: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6737097743434902428 I am not expecting you to jump party lines, or anything like that. I just think, as an American consumer of information, it behooves everyone no matter super far-right or bleeding heart liberal to watch this. (Then, after viewing, google all the hub-hub that went down in the UK with Murdoch’s newspapers and tabloids).

    (yes, go figure, I’m a 99% er, etc, etc but like it or not, we all have to coexist)

    • I only ask of you and your conservative friends to do one thing, please watch:

      Hi Betsy, thanks for stopping by.

      I’ll try to watch tonight.

      I have little doubt that the 1% are able to create scenarios that help their current condition. However, like Vern mentions below, I don’t feel that they are robbing me of anything. I find myself to be able to obtain the American Dream just fine.

      • I am not so concerned about them robbing me — they’re not — but about their actions creating an economic crisis that harms both the country and the global economy. Also, given that their actions contributed to the debt/bubble crises that led to this, I think higher taxes on the wealthiest is a legitimate part of a change in culture and policy to overcome the current crisis. I do not buy the entire leftist line of how to solve it any more than I buy the conservative line. Ultimately the US runs on compromise.

  5. I’ve seen that documentary before. It’s an interesting one, and Murdoch clearly has an “empire”. Here’s the thing, though – does his empire REALLY affect my life to the point that others complain about it affecting theirs? There are enough choices that are alternatives to Fox, WSJ, or whatever. Consequently I don’t give Fox or the WSJ enough of my money or attention to be fearful of it.

    Same with Wall Street. There are enough choices that I don’t have to be a slave to Wall Street banks, therefore I fear the lawmakers’ impotence that gives Wall Street a free pass far more than I’d ever fear any institution on Wall Street that takes advantage of that impotence.

  6. And now some bad apples have definitively set the OWS movement apart from any Tea Party….


  7. I just laugh at the supposed victory comments: “Boots Riley, a protest organizer, touted the day as a success, saying ‘we put together an ideological principle that the mainstream media wouldn’t talk about two months ago.'”

    Really? Haha! Only in a liberal-loon’s world is “talk” an accomplishment. WikiLeaks got people talking, too. How’d that work out? Or a hundred thousand Latinos came out a few years ago for Immigration reform. Anything happen there? Nope. Clue in OWS – in this day and age talk is useless, and unless you’re trying to overthrow a government, so is violence. Action with dollars or ballots is the only real language that gets heard.

  8. Pingback: A New Name for Occupy Protesters – “S.P.A.T.s” | The Rantings of Vern Rigg Kaine

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