A million miles a day. A ton of people a minute. Crisis after crisis.
I get it. A man gets tired and is often not at his best.
But this is England. And she is the Queen. And he should know better.
He didn’t.
And the sad part? It’s not his fault. Any more than it’s the fault of a relief pitcher playing linebacker when his coach asks him.
Obama’s not a President; he’s a court fool to the rest of the world.
Looks like most of Europe likes him way more than they liked Bush: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/15/obamas-european-approval-_n_718201.html#s140492&title=Portugal__88
Looks like most of Europe likes him way more than they liked Bush:
This is largely due to the fact that Europeans, when we elected the man, wanted a less influential America.
There is little doubt that an extended Obama Presidency resuts in a weaker America. So, insofar as you support a world where America has less influence, Obama is your guy.
Yep, he is an idiot. Reminds me of a funny line from Happy Gilmore. Happy was at his first golf tournament and was standing in the way of another golfer. When he found this out and was embarrassed in front of the whole gallery he leaned over to his caddy and angrily asked, “Where were you on that one, dipshit?” I wonder if President Robin Hood asked this of his crack intel team. I also wonder if he would use “I” in his explanation of this as many times as he used it when taking FULL credit for personally tracking, stalking and killing Osama Bin Laden.
When he found this out and was embarrassed in front of the whole gallery he leaned over to his caddy and angrily asked, “Where were you on that one, dipshit?”
The toat was brutal. I actually felt bad for the man.
I don’t think it was his fault. It seemed like they cued the music after he first said, “To her majesty, the queen” and the guys didn’t know he still had more to say. (If only they had a teleprompter!)
Obama’s not a President; he’s a court fool to the rest of the world.(Pino)
Bush(version 1)
Bush(version ?)
Do you need the list for each? They all had their “clown” moments, some definately more prolonged than the others.
Obama’s not a President; he’s a court fool to the rest of the world.(Pino)
Seriously. He gave the Queen an I-pod with his speeches on it. Then he gave out DVDs of popular American movies. DVDs that wouldn’t play on the British DVD players.
Check out the long version of his speech and toast. He can’t deliver that speech without his hand held teleprompters. The toast was grimacingly embarrassing for him.
He may or may not be a fool, but he IS a weaker President. Or, perhaps he’s a President that seeks to diminish the role of the UNited States in the world. Either way, the Europeans desire such a President AND, according to dedc79’s poll, Europe likes what they see.
you keep saying he’s diminishing the role of the US and that he’s weak. What possible basis do you have for saying that?
Our last president weakened our standing throughout the world by starting two wars he couldn’t finish, spreading our army thin and leaving them there indefinitely, and by just plain pissing off whole continents. You can say it over and over, but Obama has done nothing to weaken our role in global affairs. I’m not even sure what that means to be honest. It’s vague enough that i’m sure you’ll find a way to muster some support for it.
And enough about the teleprompters. the man delivers multiple speeches a day, he doesn’t have a week to memorize what he’s gonna say, he probably barely has time to even read half these speeches before he gives them. Why don’t you find something legitimate to criticize him about?
you keep saying he’s diminishing the role of the US and that he’s weak.
That’s a valid point; I’ll try to come up with a method to measure or describe that. However, when a poll is asked of Europeans if they “would like America to exert strong leadership in the world”, it seems valid to explore that.
Our last president weakened our standing throughout the world
Often times doing the right thing isn’t popular. I’m sure we have our differences on Iraq, Afghanistan the military in general. And, we may agree in others. But just because a President acts in a manner that protects American interests and that pisses off the world doesn’t mean it’s the wrong thing to do. This is opposite of what I believe Obama is doing. I honestly feel that he thinks America is where we are at the expense of other peoples around the world. And he wants to fix that. He would like for things to happen such that other nations and the people in those nations “Get Better”. And if that means America become less of a power in the world, well, he’s okay with that.
And to the extent the Europeans agree with him and see him succeeding in that effort, they will poll higher for him.
Are you serious? Nixon was a crook caught on tape. Clinton left cumshots on a dress. Bush sat in a kindergarden class while the WTC melted down. Obama may or may not be that great either but is he really THAT much worse in the worlds eyes than those other presidents? Come on, be logical, please dont act on your emotions alone. 😉
Obama may or may not be that great either but is he really THAT much worse in the worlds eyes than those other presidents?
I think he is. And it’s because of the high expectations his supporters had of the man. With no experience leading anything the man was expected to be able to lead a Nation. And he simply can’t can’t. The delta of his expectations and his delivery is massive.
As far as teleprompters go
As far as teleprompters…Obama himself said :
In the Bible…….
We are about to learn just what a gift Barack Obama had…..
And enough about the teleprompters.(dedc79)
As far as teleprompters go Im not even sure Bush could read them most of the times. He definately recited some words that wouldnt have been on the screen or even the dictionary for that matter. 😉
If George Bush or Sarah Palin screwed up like this, it would be replayed on the evening news, forever . And where is that clown Jon Stewart on this ? This is the only place I have seen this .
Actually, he earned some points from me on this one. I’m a big fan of the Brits, but I hate their royals.
I would have declined the invitation altogether.
I would have declined the invitation altogether.
I would rather have you be President.
it would have been a bigger gaff
He just simply struggles to carry out the day to day responsibilities of being President.
Sean ,
In Obama’s defense , if he had declined the invitation , it would have been a bigger gaff . I personally like the queen . I don’t care for the soap opera that was Princess Diana and is the whole younger generation .
Alan, you are of course right about the gaff. I’m just wondering why he either wasn’t invited or he declined to attend the royal wedding. Talk about a gaff (on either Obama’s or the Royal’s side).
I’m half Irish and feisty at that. So that should provide you with some context with my loathing of the British monarchy.
I also hate all the trappings of royalty and class. As the popular children’s book says: “Everybody poops.”
These arbitrary distinctions based on birth and brth alone, make me want to fight. 😉