For nearly 40 years I lived free from the burdens of a red hot political fire. Sure I had my views on issues, the big ones, without a doubt. But reading and studying like I’ve done? Never.
It never EVER occurred to me to “be political”.
But that ALL changed with Barack Hussein Obama. In an instant.
And since then, I’ve become mobilized. I’ve attended movements. I’ve contacted elected officials. I’ve volunteered for candidates. I write this thing. I read and read and read. I study. I run numbers and I come to fact based conclusions.
I trend Republican. And I’ve ALWAYS trended Republican. But the more I learn, the more I resonate with Libertarians. Smaller government. Not only in fiscal matters, but social matters as well. Less is best.
So, while I typically lean to the “Republican” right, I don’t hold them sacrosanct. Which is why THIS makes me feel GREAT:
The Patriot Act, a Bush Administration legacy, has typically been more strongly supported by Republicans than Democrats.
But the House leadership was blindsided Tuesday evening when a Patriot Act extension was defeated.
Several new GOP lawmakers from the Tea Party wing who, in principle, are suspicious of federal power, joined other Republicans as well as House Democrats to torpedo the extension.
The legislation failed on a 277-148 vote, coming seven votes shy of the two-thirds margin needed to pass bills under House rules normally reserved for non-controversial legislation.
Now, to be sure, the House can just bring the bill up again for another vote, this time without the special House rules aspect and it’ll pass.
But to be sure, the vote stung:
It was the biggest defeat for the House’s new GOP managers since they took charge last month.
And I hope it sent a message. I hope it sent the message that we don’t like Federal abuse of power at the hands of Leftist Democrats OR at the hands of Leftist Republicans.
Less State control means just that; Less State control.
Oh yeah, and pass that $100 billion in budget reductions too!