The boys are at it again. Back on health care. And, to their credit, it’s gonna be the news of the day. For many many days.
For example, the new House is going to convene Wednesday and theya re going to, repeat, going to, vote to releal Obamacare. Gonna happen.
And then we’re in a world of debate as the country wrestles with this problem throughout the next two years. And when I say 2, I mean that Obama is going to be fighting this through his next election campaign.
Anyway, onto Brad and Britt
Time and time again these two continue to misrepresent insurance and who it’s protecting. Time and time again they either:
- Do compare it to automobile insurance
- Don’t compare it to automobile insurance
And more than once, they make the false claim that by providing health insurance to everyone is really, NO REALLY, protecting all of us innocent tax payers who have to foot the bill of the people who seek medical attention in emergency rooms.
Consider clothing. A required “good” in the same category as food and shelter.
Imagine, as we discuss poverty and the impacts of being poor, we passed legislation that required clothing stores to provide clothes to anyone who came into their place of business even if they couldn’t pay.
People who didn’t have clothes could walk right in off the street and shop for the clothes they needed, accrue a bill, and then walk back out onto the street.
Think we’d have people who would benefit from this new law? Ya’betcha. For sure. Think we’d have people who’d take advantage of the new law and game the system. Again, for sure.
And the result would be that:
- Clothing would become more expensive. Right. Away. Those clothing stores are not in business to provide free clothes to any old person. They need to recoup their losses, and the way to do that would be to raise the price on the people who DO pay.
- The tax payer would have to foot the bill for all the people who don’t pay for their “clothing care”.
Now, as the debt for clothing continues to mount, is the problem due to the fact that we are not providing some form of “clothing insurance” or is it due to the fact that someone was successful enough to legislate their favored charity into law. And that new law is now costing the nation trillions of dollars?
To claim that we need to pass health care legislation to protect ME is the most asinine argument I’ve seen to date. The fact is that I am not obligated to provide medical care to people in the FIRST PLACE. I may be driven in that direction because of my religion, my feeling of community or basic charity as a human being, but you can not make the case that Liberty requires me to provide care legally.
We have a health care problem because people are not responsible for their own care. Coupled with the fact that we shop for medical services using other people’s money only drives the cost through the roof.
For example, consider Big J. Big J has found that health insurance is too expensive and he would rather self insure than pay the massive premiums. [ This is a tactic that I recommend, however. ] This is what happens when you are self insured and go to the doctor:
…what really pissed me off is the doc snuck a Hepatitis Panel into my blood work without saying anything. Had Doc said, “You’re gonna die, and I want to ensure it isn’t Hepatitis.” I’d have replied with, “I was vaccinated from Hep-A and Hep-B three years ago, and I gave blood before getting married, so no Hep-C.”
But my nemesis said nothing to me, now I have to pay $500 in addition to the $100 office visit, plus whatever-other bullshit charges Doctor Evil can add on.
Big J is seeing the direct cost of medical care. And he’s reacting as you would if you were asked to pay $7 for a Snickers bar. The market reaction to this problem? My suggestion:
…if you remain self insured for any length of time, you may find this useful:
Part of this project:
Without understanding anything about medical testing and acknowledging that I’m not at all trained in anything medical, it sounds like you could have gotten all three tests for $89.20.
The point is insurance is meant to protect the individual; not society. No matter how much some liberal talk show host wants to spin the debate and make it about his favored charity.
Ha ha, thanks for quoting me, and thanks for the ping-back. Now here is a hot issue where is doesn’t matter if you stand to the left or right, all American’s are getting the shaft with this bulls**t health bill. Except for the health insurance agencies, they love it. They will continue to raise premiums on relatively healthy people in order to compensate for covering the worst cases. There is a huge problem within the medical field, but the horrible bill that was passed is not the right solution. A big part is the over-inflated cost of pharmaceuticals and procedures. It is way out of control, and no one except the very rich can afford to seek medical care.
Ha ha, thanks for quoting me, and thanks for the ping-back.
No problem!
They will continue to raise premiums on relatively healthy people in order to compensate for covering the worst cases.
Correct. Though to be fair, they did this before as well. However, before the bill they did it with actuarial tables looking at populations. They were able to offer lower premiums because people were signing up when they were “well”. The insurance company only had to guard against someone becoming sick.
This is no longer true now. For example, I don’t need to insure my kids any more. Why? Because it doesn’t make sense to insure a healthy child when I can simply enroll them once they become sick. So now the insurance companies aren’t collecting the premiums on the folks they used to before. Hence, insurance bills for the rest of us will go up.
Think about what would happen to collision insurance if I could enroll AFTER I got into an accident.
A big part is the over-inflated cost of pharmaceuticals and procedures.
I agree. It is too hard and expensive to bring good medicines to market. And even then the drug makers lose their patents to generic companies very soon after marketing. And procedures…yes, when I don’t literally pay the bill myself, I could care less what the doctor charges. And THAT is a bad incentive.
no one except the very rich can afford to seek medical care.
Take away the anecdotal stories and the cold hard fact remains that the #1 killer in America is hyper tension. Hyper tension causes strokes and heart attacks.
I am a victim of hyper tension. I, however, take medication that controls this condition. My cost?
$1998.00 American. And that is a 600 month supply delivered to my door.