
There’s an old saw that says:

There’s a reason it’s called “Risk Taking”.  If there wasn’t, they’d call it “Sure Thing Taking”.

The same holds true regarding decisions of fiscal responsibility.

It would seem that the state of North Carolina is running a deficit of about 15%.  Our budget is $19 billion and the deficit is $3 billion.



That is some serious spending that no one can afford.

So now that the Republicans have done something that hasn’t been done in over 100 years:

Raleigh | Republicans in North Carolina picked up historic authority from voters Tuesday, sweeping Democrats out of power in a government shake-up that the state hasn’t seen since the 1800s.

And what do the new leaders plan to do with their new-found majority?

Fiscal analysts have projected a budget deficit of more than $3 billion, and Republican leaders in the General Assembly said after their election victories Tuesday that they want to reduce the budget to about $16 billion from the $19 billion spending plan passed in June.

Boom goes the dynamite!

And do these Republicans know what is ahead?  You betcha!

Top Republican lawmakers say their plans to balance the state budget next year solely through spending cuts will likely be painful for many people.

And so it goes.

When a State spends more money than it has it will become incumbent upon those in power to reduce spending.  And that will, by definition, impact those who depend on that spending.


2 responses to “Sacrifice

  1. How did our government ever get so big? How did so many people become dependent upon the government? Everybody… STOP. Step one, every check issued by the State should be reduced by 5 percent. EVERY check. Every construction contract, every public worker, every penny the State spends should be cut by 5 percent. We know that people will yell and scream, but they need to reach deep within themselves and be part of the solution.

    • How did our government ever get so big?

      More and more people realized that they could vote benefits for themselves.

      Every construction contract, every public worker, every penny the State spends should be cut by 5 percent.

      I agree whole heartedly. And yes, it WILL be painful, but it will be an important step in setting the tone of the changes that need to be made.

      Thanks for stopping by.

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