Slave wages in putrid working conditions. That’s China. Right?
If you think so, your opinion is shared by many American’s. And it’s wrong.
What is occurring now in China is what we see happen every time a a society is exposed to the free market. They begin to act in ways that advance their own self interests. Where before, peasant workers in China were happy to step off the rice paddy to work in factories, that is now no longer the case:
ZHONGSHAN, China — If Wang Jinyan, an unemployed factory worker with a middle school education, had a résumé, it might start out like this: “Objective: seeking well-paid, slow-paced assembly-line work in air-conditioned plant with Sundays off, free wireless Internet and washing machines in dormitory. Friendly boss a plus.”
Ms. Wang flashed an unmistakable look of ennui and popped open an umbrella to shield her fair complexion from the South China sun…“…. I don’t do shoes. Can’t stand the smell of glue.”
Amazing. These young workers are now able to pick and choose which jobs they will take and which they’ll pass up.
The reason?
Guo Yuhua, a sociologist at Tsinghua University, said the new cohort of itinerant workers was better educated, Internet-savvy and covetous of the urban niceties they discovered after leaving the farm. “They want a life just like city folk, and they have no interest in going back to being farmers,” said Ms. Guo, who studies China’s 230 million-strong migrant population.
As the nation’s new generations become exposed to the wonders of what freedom and Liberty can offer, they want more and won’t accept less.
An amazing revolution is occurring in China; a worker’s revolution. And it’s being waged without kings or potentates. No bullets or swords.
Just an Invisible Hand.