We have a great chance here to make a difference. Mr. Lawson is running for the seat currently held by David Price here in North Carolina’s 4th district.
Unlike last election, this year is a positive election cycle for Republicans and challengers alike. Democrats are on the defensive and incumbents are running for their political lives. If there ever was a year, this is it.
And to make it even better, Mr. Lawson embraces many of the same philosophies that we here at TarHeelRed support:
- Cut taxes too stimulate growth
- Reduce the size of government
- Reform the Federal Regulatory Burden
- Reduce Spending to Restore Fiscal Balance
- Empower Local Education
- Restore Trust in Government
Check the site out. Read it. If you can, try to close your eyes, ignore for a second the big “R” or “D” next to your name. Where do YOU stand on these issues? I bet, I really do, that you stand where Mr. Lawson does.
Spread the word.
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