I am working on a project at the office with some colleagues that are not from the United States. During lunch we had some time to chat and so I took the opportunity to ask them what “the world” thought of Obama’s Nobel. They grinned, a bit more sheepishly than I thought they would, and admitted that it was, indeed, a little early for him to win. So far so good.
With my toe firmly in the water, I decided to get their take on Universal Health Care. I felt that their insights would be useful, one being from Italy and the other from Slovakia. Before I go on, I should say that these guys are some of the most educated people I have worked with in a long time. And while they have recently been at the Northeast Ivy; Harvard, they have degrees in the sciences as well. In fact, the Italian has his PhD in physics.
So, imagine my surprise when these two highly educated scientists came down in favor of universal health care. And more than that, they both felt it is a right as citizens to have this health care provided to them.
I am stunned.
Leftists are everywhere.