Your Kids – You Didn’t Build That

big government

Whoa Buddy.

This is dangerous stuff:

This is where things like eugenics come from.  Thoughts like this are the genesis of licensing kids.  Of controlling parenting.

2 responses to “Your Kids – You Didn’t Build That

  1. Yet she is describing most of human history – communities looking out for each other, and seeing children as a collective, not personal responsibility. That’s also how most religions understand it – including Christianity. So I’m not sure if it’s that dangerous, it’s been the view of most cultures for most of history.

    • Yet she is describing most of human history – communities looking out for each other, and seeing children as a collective, not personal responsibility.

      Now, I grew up in that small rural Minnesota prairie town. I know what it means to have the townsfolk watch over me as I walk home from school, church or through the Ben Franklins Five and Dime. I know what it means when dad gets that call and he hangs up the phone and says, “We need to talk about your behavior today at the pizza place.”

      That is different. And that isn’t what this lady is talking about. She’s talking about the decisions made for these kids belongs to the community, not the parent.

      See, those folks in town were helping dad enforce his decision to raise me. They didn’t call the parents of the neighbor kids because those parents didn’t take the responsibility to raise their kids in the same “right” way.

      She’s not talking about things like making sure the little kid on the skateboard doesn’t jam in front of the oncoming car. She’s talking about having the community decide how to raise the kids. How they should go to school, where they should go to school and how much of your money she needs to take in order to raise your neighbor’s kid.

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